BREON Defence Systems offer best in class products and support services.
Our Products.
Stop Stick®.
Stop Stick is the world’s leading tire-deflation device for high-speed pursuits.
Proper deployment occurs well ahead of an approaching target vehicle, with officers a safe distance from the “hit,” yet in control of the device position via attached cord reel.
Teflon®-coated quills penetrate the tire and act as valves, releasing air at a safe, controlled rate.
Marrero Armor.
These modern tactical shields are equipped with PALS webbing to allow application of tactical accessories, with Velcro areas for patch add-ons and handle pads. The viewport also has front and rear cover panels.
Shields are also available to protect up to 7.62 x 51mm (.308 WIN) multi shot, and also 7.62 x 39mm (MSC).
GPS Solutions for Public Safety.
Leveraging the power of GPS technology to save lives and reduce risk in law enforcement and the communities they serve.
StarChase provides multiple GPS technology solutions to public safety and government agencies worldwide. Our technology is a trusted resource for domestic and international agencies for managing high-risk events, surveillance, real-time situational awareness, and day-to-day operations.
Labradar performance exceeds any consumer level velocity acquisition system. It continually measures velocities of your rifle, pistol, shotgun (slugs), arrows or pellets up to 100 yards depending upon the size of the bullet.
Fox Fury.
Innovative Solutions for All Your Safety Lighting Needs.
When seconds count and lives are on the line – FoxFury has the tools you need to save lives.
Train more often, more effectively in a more practical environment. The SIRT Training Pistol is designed for high-volume self-diagnostic training with no set up and safe sustainable training. Make better use of your live fire rounds.
Safe Life Defense.
Safe Life Defense products offer various levels of Ballistic protection, from 2020 offering the only soft body armour that will stop rifle rounds, and has passed NIJ testing for .223, 5.56 and 7.62 x 39 without a strike plate. Safe Life Defense provides an unmatched level of multi-threat protection.
BREON Defence Systems supply portable walk-through metal detectors through M-scope, a highly portable and reliable detection solution.
Fisher Research labs.
BREON Defence Systems offer Fischer wands to support M-scopes portable metal detection solution.
Target Systems
BREON have a range of Training Targeting systems available for use with training firearms and operational, reality based training systems for Law Enforcement and Military use. Please inquire for further information.
Dummies Unlimited.
Dummies Unlimited produce a series of training dummies (Cuffman, GrappleMan, Numb John etc.) that are ideal for teaching proper arrest and control techniques, simulated and live fire scenarios and training and various other reality based training techniques. Dummies Unlimited products offer a realistic training device that ensures officer training injuries are reduced while maintaining a high level of training methodology and performance.
Paradigm SRP.
The Paradigm SRP Talon system is the only true active sniper marksman stabilisation technology available on the world market to date. The Talon negates the transferred movements from aircraft or vehicles down to 1 MOA. This elimination of movement allows TALON shooters to stay on target and utilise very high magnification from unstable moving environments.
The MILKOR 40mm ‘Multiple Grenade Launcher’ (MGL) is the world’s first mass-produced multi-shot 40mm hand-held weapon. The MILKOR MGL offers significant firepower increase, compared to typical single-shot 40mm weapons.
BREON Defence Systems are licensed to design and manufacture weapon suppressor (silencer) systems in Australia. These are manufactured in using 100% Australian sourced materials and staff.
OIP Sensor Systems.
OIP Sensor Systems was established in 1919 as ‘Optique et Instruments de Précision’ in Ghent and celebrates its 100th anniversary. With a century of experience, OIP is a leader in the field of design, development & production of electro-optical systems for Defence, Aerospace, Homeland Security and High-end Industrial markets, serving a variety of different applications.